Board of Directors

Jennifer Henry
Executive Minister, Organizational Development and Strategy, The United Church of Canada

Ms. Henry has worked for three decades as a national and global advocate for human rights and ecological justice, addressing root causes of displacement. From 2012 to 2020, she served as Executive Director of the social justice organization KAIROS, with a mandate that included Indigenous solidarity, the advancement of women’s rights in conflict zones, climate justice, and migrant and refugee rights. She has brought her expertise in non-profit management to The United Church of Canada where she leads a unit focused on strategic planning, communications, and growth. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and Social Work from the University of Manitoba, Master of Social Work and Theological Studies from the University of Toronto, and an Honorary Doctorate from Saskatoon Lutheran Seminary, and is accredited as a United Church minister.  Ms. Henry was appointed to the transitional Board of the College by the Minister in March 2022.