The College’s federal mandate stems from:
This mandate requires anyone providing Canadian immigration or citizenship advice or representation for a fee or for any other benefit to be a licensee in good standing of the College, a Canadian law society, or the Chambre des notaires du Québec.
Individuals providing Canadian immigration or citizenship services abroad are subject to Canadian law even if they live outside of Canada.
For more information visit College’s Regulatory Role page.
Code of Professional Conduct for College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants Licensees
The Code of Professional Conduct for College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants Licensees (“the Code of Professional Conduct” or “the Code”) establishes the standards of professional conduct and competence that all licensees of the College must meet.
The Code guides licensees on how to conduct themselves ethically and professionally. It outlines fundamental ethical principles and provides a comprehensive set of professional practice requirements and responsibilities with which all consultants must comply. It also helps readers understand the standards and obligations expected of an immigration or citizenship consultant.
The Code is not a complete list of a consultant’s professional conduct obligations, so it should be interpreted with the College’s other governing documents, including
- the College Act,
- the College Act Regulations, and
- the College By-laws.
On June 10, 2022, the Code of Professional Conduct came into force with the signature of the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. The Code replaces the RCIC Code of Professional Ethics and the RISIA Code of Ethics. Please also note that where a provision of the new Code conflicts with a College By-law or Regulation, the Code provision governs.