Access to Information and Privacy
The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (College) became subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act on November 23, 2021.
Access to Information Act
The Access to Information Act provides Canadian citizens, permanent residents or any person or corporation present in Canada with a right of access to records under the control of a government institution, subject to specific and limited exceptions.
How to submit an Access to Information Request
The College recommends submitting your request via the Government of Canada’s Access to Information and Personal Information Online Request Service.
Alternatively, you may complete the Access to Information Request Form and submit it to the College’s ATIP Coordinator (contact information shown below).
Each request filed with the College under the Access to Information Act requires an application fee of $5. Additional charges may apply if copying or further search of physical records and preparation time is required. Your request for access to information is not considered complete until receipt of the application fee. Please note, submitting a request does not guarantee that you will gain complete access to all the records you have requested as certain exemptions may apply.
The College is obliged to respond to your request within 30 days, though there are certain circumstances that allow for an extension of the time limit. If you are not satisfied with the College’s response to your Access to Information Request, you have a right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner of Canada.
For more information about the Access to Information Act, please contact the College’s ATIP Coordinator or find detailed information on the website of the Information Commissioner.
Privacy Act
The Privacy Act provides Canadian citizens and permanent residents with a right of access to personal information held by government institutions and protection of that information against unauthorized use and disclosure.
The purpose of the Privacy Act is to protect the privacy of individuals with respect to their personal information. This Act governs the College’s collection, retention, use and disclosure of that information.
How to submit a Personal Information Request
Submitting a request under the Privacy Act is very similar to making one under the Access to Information Act, except that there are no fees for a Personal Information Request.
The College recommends submitting your request via the Government of Canada’s Access to Information and Personal Information Online Request Service
Alternatively, you may complete the Personal Information Request Form and submit it to the College’s ATIP Coordinator (contact information shown below).
As with the Access to Information Act, the College is obliged to respond to your request within 30 days; however, an extension of this time limit may be allowed in certain circumstances. Please note the Privacy Act sets out specific exemptions to the right of access similar to those in the Access to Information Act. If you are not satisfied with the College’s response to your Personal Information Request, you have a right to make a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.
For more information about the Privacy Act, please contact the College’s ATIP Coordinator or find detailed information on the website of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.
What to expect after submitting a request
In processing your request under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act, the College will abide by the Principles for Assisting Requesters.
The College may also:
• Contact you to verify your identity (if not already submitted via the online portal) and to confirm that your request meets the requirements of the Acts. If the College is unable to verify your identity, despite making best efforts to do so, your request may not be processed;
• Request clarification about the records you are seeking;
• Request the $5 application fee for an Access to Information Request (if not already submitted via the online portal);
• Require consent if a request is made for information that may also contain the personal information of another individual or if a request is made on behalf of someone else. You will find a standard consent form here.
ATIP Coordinator Contact Information
College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants
Attention: ATIP Coordinator
5500 North Service Road
Suite 1002
Burlington, ON L7L 6W6
Telephone: 1-877-836-7543, ext. 1159
Info Source
Introduction to Info Source
Info Source describes the programs and activities, and the information holdings related to programs and activities, of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act to facilitate the right of access. It also provides individuals, including current and former employees of the Government of Canada, with relevant information to access personal information about themselves held by government institutions subject to the Privacy Act and to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.
An index of institutions that are subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act is available centrally.
The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act assign overall responsibility to the President of Treasury Board (as the designated Minister) for the government-wide administration of the legislation.
The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (College) is the authority mandated by the Government of Canada to regulate the practice of Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) and Regulated International Student Immigration Advisors (RISIAs). Its role, authority and powers are established in the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants Act (Canada). The College sets and enforces the licensing, education and ethical standards of the profession, in the public interest.
Information on the history of the College and legislative foundation can be found on the Who We Are section of this website.
Each year, the College submits its Annual Report, Access to Information Act Annual Report and Privacy Act Annual Report to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. Each report is tabled in Parliament.
The College’s mandate can be found in the 2024 Annual Report.
The College’s responsibilities are listed on the Who We Are page of this website, under the subheading What We Do.
By-laws, regulations and policies are available on the By-Laws, Regulations and Policies page of this website.