Russ Harrington CPA, CGA
Chief Operating Officer
As Chief Operating Officer (COO), Russ Harrington oversees the day-to-day operational leadership of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (College) and plays a key role in leading the College in fulfilling its strategic priorities.
Prior to joining the College, Russ was COO at the College of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario, a provincial self-regulatory organization overseeing more than 57,000 registrants. Previously, he was the founding CFO & COO of HealthForceOntario, a provincial government agency mandated to provide health workforce solutions. This role involved leading an interprofessional care/education (IPC/E) initiative to support the provincial IPC/E Steering Committee and providing full corporate services for the establishment of five separate and independent new health self-regulatory colleges.
Russ’s private sector experience includes executive level responsibilities at several for-profit companies, and volunteer roles with industry associations and charitable enterprises. Currently, he is Chair of the Board of a health care provider in the home and community sector.