Current Proceedings

Licensee NameLicense #Licensee LocationDateNoticeSummary of Allegations
Wissam QitaR511653TBATBACD.2018.162 et. al.The RCIC was charged with a Criminal offence. The RCIC had refugees fund the costs of their own settlement| contrary to the intention of the program.
Liza LucionR506401Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: March 11,June 17, September 18, November 12, 2024; February 4, 2025.CD.2021.197The RCIC failed maintain confidentiality. The RCIC misrepresented/misinformed the complainant. The RCIC refused to provide a refund after the complainant requested one on numerous occasions. The RCIC failed to maintain a quality of service and failed to act with honesty and integrity.The RCIC threated to sue and report the Complainant. The RCIC failed to deliver the Complainant all documents, files and property that belong to them. The RCIC failed to be cooperative with the Complainant's new representative.
Rosalinda OngR416759TBATBACD.2016.381Failed to respond to or update the client regarding PEIPNP program; failed to honour cancellation request or provide refund according to retainer terms.
David AllonR513335Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024 CD.2021.243Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unlicensed individuals acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant and failed to explain the costs of their services. The complainant signed a retainer agreement as a result of a pressure sale tactic. RCIC allowed the unatuhorized person to work unsupervised and engage in unfair and innapropriate sales tactic. The funds provided by the complainant were misappropriated and the RCIC failed to return funds and failed to provide any invoice of services, only offered a partial refund. Failed to discharge their responsibilities in good faith. Failed to ensure they delivered cost-effective and efficients services to the complainant. Failed to provide quality of service and communicate with the complainant at all necessary stages of the application process. Failed to advise the complainant in an honest and candid mannor. Failed to return the complainant all of its documents, files and property, failed to account for all funds and provide a refund for monies not earned. Failed to deliver a statement of account. Failed to provide invoices for services rendered. Failed to provide an initial retainer agreement. Failed to register all their services with the College.
Hossein AmirahmadiR508577Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: July 4, August 1, 2024CD.2022.423The RCIC failed to provide the Complainant with their client file. . The RCIC failed to communicate effectively and in a timely matter. The RCIC failed to appoint a designate during their absence. The RCIC threatened the Complainant and refused to provide the Complainant's requested documents. During the College's investigation, the RCIC failed to provide the client file to an investigator and mislead the investigator.
Laura Mariana SantosR507390Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: August 12, September 23, 2024CD.2020.076As a result of the RCIC's incompetence the RCIC's clients were denied procedural fairness before the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD). The RCIC failed to comply with the RAD rule regarding submission of evidence, failed to provide updated evidnece to the RAD, and failed to address the main issue in the written submissions.
Gurpreet Singh KhairaR413175TBACase Management Conference: October 12| 2016CD.2016.212Failed to advise client about government service fee leading to application refusal.
Simon ChelatR408839Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference July 8, 2022.Case Management Conference July 8, 2022.CD.2016.244The Licensee did not actively work on the complainant's application under the BC PNP and the complainant was provided incorrect information during the application process. The complainant urged the Licensee multiple times to complete the process for a work permit extension and PNP to renew the existing work permit but the process was delayed resulting in the complainant losing his job
Harpreet SainiR506839Hearing by Video ConferenceCase Management Conference: September 15, October 13, 2022; March 15, 2022; September 23, 2023; January 15, 2024; April 24, 2024; May 6, 2024; May 27, 2024. CD.2017.241The RCIC failed to provide the services arranged and agreed upon with the client. The RCIC proposed to secure a job in Canada for the Complainant in exchange for money. The RCIC failed to update the client on the status of his file and failed to respond to their communications. The RCIC failed to provide a refund to the client when requested to do so. The RCIC charged fees for recruitment services, in contravention of the Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act, SO 2009, c. 32.
Hossein AmirahmadiR508577Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: July 4, August 1, 2024CD.2020.421The RCIC failed to notify the College that they were involved in fraudulant schemes with other RCICs and that the CBSA conducted a seizure, an interview, search warrant and investigation.
Izhar Ui Hassan ZaidiR421959Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: July 25, 2024CD.2021.072The RCIC failed to provide the Complainant with services promised after receiving retainer funds and refused to proivde a refund. The RCIC did not issue receipts of the payments nor did they issue a statement of account. The RCIC employed a non-registered RCIC agent and assigned them to delegate tasks and maintaining the client file. The RCIC failed to maintain a complete client file, a copy of the signed retainer agreement and billing documents. The RCIC failed to store the client records in a secure manner and failed to ensure that the unlicensed agent provided the client files and property to the RCIC. The RCIC failed to enter into a Agent Agreement.
Ramandeep SinghR419423TBATBACD.2015.539Falsely advised client that WP would be valid for 2 years; Delivered 3-month WP to client after it had already expired.
Hossein AmirahmadiR508577Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: July 4, August 1, 2024CD.2020.555The Complainant signed a retainer agreement however the RCIC failed to provide receipts to the Complainant for fees paid in cash. The RCIC offered assistance in purchasing a job offer for a quoted cost, the Complainant declined. The RCIC performed other related immigration services for the Complainant without executing a new retainer agreement. The RCIC misrepresented themself to be the Complainant during a telephone interview with a case officer overseeing an LMIA application. The RCIC failed to effectively communicate with the Complainant and failed to correct errors that were made during representation. The RCIC failed to inform the Complainant when moving office locations. The RCIC threatened the Complainant during an office visit. The RCIC participated in fraudulant misconduct in relation to the Complainant's corporation while the Complainant was out of the country. During the College's investigation, the RCIC failed to provide the Complainant's client file and failed to cooperate resulting in an administrative suspension on December 22, 2023.
Lionel SamayawardhenaR510063Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 20, 2025CD.2020.559The RCIC knowingly obtained and provided the IRCC with a fradulent diploma and certificate as part of the complainant's application. The RCIC attempted to pursuade the IRCC that the diploma and certificate were authentic. The RCIC knowingly drafted a false affidavit intending to mislead the Federal Court. . The RCIC misled and misrepresented the complainant and the public.
Anwar LewinR414247Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 14, 2025CD.2020.167The RCIC failed to draft and provide the complainant a retained agreement outlining the services and costs. The RCIC failed to submited a sponsorship application outling the services and costs. The RCIC failed to provide information regarding sponsorship application to the Region of Peel in order to facilitate childcare subsidy. The RCIC failed to communicate with the complainants and stopped providing services. The RCIC failed to provide a refund for unearned funds. The RCIC failed to provide the College with information and required client documents.
David AllonR513335Written Adjudication Case Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024CD.2019.235Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unauthorized persons acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant by luring them into using their services without explaining the total costs for the services and proceeded to withold assistance, guidance and explanation until the complainant signed a retainer agreement and paid the owed sum. Failed to enter into an initial consultation agreement. The funds provided by the complainant were misappropriated and the RCIC failed to return the funds upon termination for the unprovided services. Failed to discharge in good faith their responsibilities to the complainant. Failed to return all documents, files and property upon termination. Misinformed the complainant when advising the complainant of the following steps to take in their immigration process. Failed to ensure services were provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Failed to communicate with the complainant in a timely and effective way. Failed to advise the complainant honestly and candidly. Failed to deposit all funds received by the Complainant into the RCIC's Client Account. Failed to register all their services with the College.
Izhar Ui Hassan ZaidiR421959Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: July 25, 2024CD.2022.708The RCIC made false and unrealistic promises to the Complainant in order to engage in their services. Once retained, the RCIC failed to provide services aligned in the retainer agreement. The RCIC entered on the behalf of the Complainant fraudulent information on an application (Expression on Interest). The RCIC proposed a fraudulent scheme for a fee of $20,000 to misrepresent information on t he Complainant's immigration application. The RCIC failed to communication promptly and left the Complainant in a vulnerable position as a result of the lack of communication. The RCIC proposed a charge of an additional $30,000 for an unlawful job selling scheme. The RCIC failed to maintain and provide the complete file upon request during investigations.
Leyla MammadovaR525194Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: April 24, 2024. Final written submissions due November 15, 2024CD.2019.247The RCIC misrepresented the submission status an application despite knowing that no application was submitted nor provided. The RCIC misled the Complainant in believing they had influence over a government agency to make a quick decision. The RCIC failed to communicate with the Complainant in a prompt and truthful manner. The RCIC failed to fulfill the terms of the retainer agreement. The RCIC failed to execute an Agent agreement with the Complainant and failed to register the Complainant as the RCIC's Agent to the College. The RCIC failed to fully cooperate during the College's investigation.
Rajesh RandevR422455Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 31, 2023. Written Final Submissions due: July 2, 2024CD.2017.259RCIC failed to honestly and candidly advise the Complainant regarding the steps of the application. RCIC failed to provide sufficient information on the status and process their application. RCIC failed to dischage all his responsibilities in good faith. RCIC got the Complainant to sign an inaccurate affidavit withdrawing her complaint with the College as a condition to receiving a refund. RCIC failed to be honesty and candid with the Complainant when charging a fee. RCIC failed to efficiently communicate with the Complainant. RCIC charged unfair professional fees that were unreasonable. The LMIA Application was incomplete, not reviewed and not signed by the Complainant. RCIC failed to advise the Complainant that the LMIA application was submitted. RCIC did not render an account nor did the RCIC keep account for all funds held. RCIC breached his obgliation by the College to not communicate with the Complainant. RCIC did not get the Complainant to sign a Retainer Agreement for the visitor visa extension. RCIC failed to enter into any Retainer Agreement with the Complainant for services related to the LMIA application.
Ripudaman S. DhillonR409799TBATBACD.2014.238Provided incorrect assurances of eligibility for first application; when clients were found ineligible| demanded higher fees for additional applications without providing explanations.
David AllonR513335Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024CD.2020.381Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unlicensed individuals acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant and failed to explain the costs of their services. The complainant signed a retainer agreement as a result of a pressure sale tactic. RCIC allowed the unatuhorized person to work unsupervised and engage in unfair and innapropriate sales tactic. Failed to discharge their responsibilities in good faith. Failed to ensure they delivered cost-effective and efficients services to the complainant. Failed to provide quality of service and communicate with the complainant at all necessary stages of the application process. Failed to advise the complainant in an honest and candid mannor. Failed to return the complainant all of its documents, files and property, failed to account for all funds and provide a refund for monies not earned. Failed to deliver a statement of account. Failed to provide invoices for services rendered. Failed to provide an initial retainer agreement. Failed to register all their services with the College.
Ripudaman S. DhillonR409799TBATBACD.2015.504Failed to update client about letter from CIC and to explain what work was completed on the file.
Anwar LewinR414247Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 14, 2025CD.2021.033The RCIC failed to draft and provide the complainant a retained agreement outlining the services and costs. The RCIC failed to submit a Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds applications and falsely advised it was submitted. The RCIC failed to communicate with the complainant and stopped providing services. The RCIC failed to fulfill tasks and failed to provide a refund of the unearned funds. The RCIC failed to provide the College with information and required client documents.
Leyla MammadovaR525194Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: April 24, 2024. Final written submissions due November 15, 2024 CD.2021.414The RCIC failed to advise the Complainant about the IRCC request for documents and failed to ensure the Complainant's documents were provided to the IRCC by the submission deadline. The RCIC falsely advised the Complainant that their PR application and their work permit application was being processed after it was rejected. The RCIC provided the Complainant with a fraudulent IRCC documents as proof of submission despite the application was not filed. The RCIC failed to respond to the Complainant's queries and correspondence promptly and truthfully. Following the filing of the complaint and termination, the RCIC threatened the Complainant, making fabricated reviews of the Complainant's business, breaching confidentiality as well as falsely accusing the Complainant of harassment. The RCIC failed to fulfill the terms of the Retainer Agreement. The RCIC failed to turn over the Complainant's documents to their new legal counsel, and failing to return all files and properties to the Complainant. The RCIC failed to fully cooperate during the College's investigation.
Leyla MammadovaR525194Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: April 24, 2024. Final written submissions due November 15, 2024 CD.2021.483The RCIC failed to advise the Complainant of the required documents to provide to the IRCC, and failed to provide the IRCC with the required documents by the submission deadline. The RCIC falsely advised the Complainant promptly that their PR application and associated work permit applications were rejected. The RCIC failed to respond to the Complainant's queries and correspondence promptly and truthfully. The RCIC failed to fulfill the term of the Retainer Agreement. The RCIC failed to deliver a statement of account and to provide a refund. The RCIC failed to transfer the Complainant's documents to their new legal counsel as well as failing to return all documents, property and files belonging to the Complainant. The RCIC failed to fully cooperate during the College's investigation.
Leyla MammadovaR525194Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: April 24, 2024. Final written submissions due November 15, 2024 CD.2021.485The RCIC failed to advise the Complainant of the required documents to provide to the IRCC, and failed to provide the IRCC with the required documents by the submission deadline. The RCIC falsely advised the Complainant promptly that their PR application and work permit application were rejected failing to notify the Complainant of the rejected applications. The RCIC did not advise the Complainant truthfully regarding the IRCC informing the RCIC of a finalized date for their work permit. The RCIC failed to respond to the Complainant's queries and correspondence promptly and truthfully. The RCIC failed to turn over the Complainant's documents to their new legal counsel, and failed to return all files and properties to the Complainant. The RCIC failed to fully cooperate during the College's investigation.
David AllonR513335Written Adjudication Case Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024CD.2021.142Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unlicensed individuals acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant and failed to explain the costs of their services. The complainant signed a retainer agreement as a result of a pressure sale tactic. RCIC allowed the unatuhorized person to work unsupervised and engage in unfair and innapropriate sales tactic. The funds provided by the complainant were misappropriated and the RCIC failed to return funds and failed to provide any invoice of services. Failed to discharge their responsibilities in good faith. . Failed to ensure they delivered cost-effective and efficients services to the complainant. Failed to provide quality of service and communicate with the complainant at all necessary stages of the application process. Failed to advise the complainant in an honest and candid mannor. Failed to return the complainant all of its documents, files and property, failed to account for all funds and provide a refund for monies not earned. Failed to deliver a statement of account. Failed to provide invoices for services rendered. Failed to provide an initial retainer agreement. Failed to register all their services with the College.
Ian Christopher Kemp-JacksonR413111TBATBACD.2016.165Failed to properly advise about the investment.
David AllonR513335Written Adjudication Case Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024CD.2019.586Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unlicensed individuals acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant and lured the complainant into using their services by making false promises. Before and during entering a retainer agreement, the RCIC failed to be concise in terms of costs for using their services. RCIC permitted their unauthorized person to engage in unfair and innappropritate sales tactic. The funds provided by the complainant were misappropriated and the RCIC failed to return the overbilled amount and failed to provide any invoice of services. Failed to discharge in good faith their responsibilities to the complainant. Failed to ascertain the Complainant's financial means. Failed to ensure that the services provided were done so in an efficient and cost effective way. The RCIC failed to communicate with the Complainant at all the necessary stages of filing an application in a timely and effective way as well as failed to communicate directly with the complainant. Failed to advise the complainant in a honest and candid manner. Failed to return all documents, files, statement of account and property belonging to the complainant. The RCIC failed to provide an initial consultation agreement and retainer agreement. Failed to register all their services with the College. Failed to register a business with the ICCRC and failed to register all their services with the College.
Rajesh RandevR422455Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 31, 2023. Written Final Submissions due: July 2, 2024.CD.2017.225RCIC failed to advise the Complainant in good faith on the merits of the applications, the likelyhood of success and the risk of each type of application. RCIC was not candid with the updates on the status of the Complainant's applications and did not provide the Complainant with sufficient information on the applications being submitted. The Complainant had no access to the email address that the was created for the Complainant, preventing the Complainant from accessing the account. The RCIC failed to advise the Complainant of the steps that were undertaken for the applications and filed to disclose the BCPNP was returned and incomplete as well as failed to inform the Complainant on the status of the LMIA application. RCIC failed to provide updates on the status of the applications. RCIC failed to conduct client affairs in a cost effective manner. The Complainant did not sign a retainer agreement. RCIC use threatening tactics to get the Complainant to sign an agreement.
Rageiy El-HamarnahR533647Motion Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference - Motion: November 25, 2024; Motion Final Submissions Due: December 13, 2024CD.2023.613-2; CD.2023.692-1; CD.2023.693-2;CD.2023.796-1; CD.2023.840-1; CD.2023.847-1; CD.2023.961-1; CD.2024622071-2;CD.2024.708762-1; CD.2024.752315-2; CD.2024.752310-2; CD.2024.791389-02; CD.2024.791383-2"The RCIC engaged in job selling; charging fees for recruitment or employment. These include fake employment positions, job descriptions and job offers. The RCIC failed to communicate with the complainants in a timely manner, failed to provide an invoice accounting for services provided, charged high fee, lacked evidence of any work performed and failed to honor the promises of a refund.The RCIC operated an elaborate scheme to defraud immigration officials with a goal of facilitating a client’s immigration through the Owner/Operator Program and/or the International Mobility Program. The scheme included incorporating a fraudulent Canadian company, representing to immigration officials that the RCIC was the Director of this company offering purported employment to a client, and demanding the client transfer funds to this company to make it appear it had the capacity to employ the client. Failure to rectify conduct issues following their undertaking to do so through the College’s Voluntary Resolution Program."
Liza LucionR506401Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: March 11,June 17, September 18, November 12, 2024; February 4, 2025.CD.2021.212The RCIC misrepresented themselves as a lawyer and notary. The RCIC misled the complainant. The RCIC did not accuratly portray the retainer agreement in a comprehensive way for the complainant. The RCIC failed to maintain quality of service and to act with honesty and candour. The RCIC failed to provide documents or information. The RCIC threatened the complainant. The RCIC did not maintain communication. The RCIC forged the complainant's signature. The RCIC failed to provide a refund.
Lionel SamayawardhenaR510063Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 20, 2025CD.2023.487The RCIC included false information in the complainant's application and did not advise the complainant. The RCIC knowingly produced, included and provided false and fraudulent Bachelor's degree in the complainant's application to the IRCC. The RCIC failed to transfer the client to the complainant's new legal representative. The RCIC failed to provide the College with a complete client files upon request. The RCIC misled and misrepresented the public.
David AllonR513335Written Adjudication Case Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024 CD.2019.503Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unlicensed individuals acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant by luring them into using their services by making false promises. Before and during entering a retainer agreement, the RCIC failed to be concise in terms of costs for using their services. The RCIC failed to be concised in terms of costs for using their services. The RCIC permitted their unauthorized person to engage in unfair and innappropritate sales tactic. The funds provided by the complainant were misappropriated and the RCIC failed to return the overbilled amount and failed to provide any invoice of services. Failed to discharge in good faith their responsibilities to the complainant. Failed to ascertain the Complainant's financial means. Failed to ensure that the services provided were done so in an efficient and cost effective way. The RCIC failed to communicate with the Complainant at all the necessary stages of filing an application in a timely and effective way as well as failed to communicate directly with the complainant. Failed to advise the complainant in a honest and candid manner. Failed to return all documents, files, statement of account and property belonging to the complainant. The RCIC failed to provide an initial consultation agreement. Failed to register a business with the ICCRC and failed to register all their services with the College.
David AllonR513335Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024CD.2019.368Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unlicensed individuals acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant by luring them into using their services without explaining the total costs for the services and proceeded to withold assistance, guidance and explanation until the complainant signed a retainer agreement and paid the owed sum. RCIC permitted their unauthorized person to engage in unfair and innappropritate sales tactic. The funds provided by the complainant were misappropriated and the RCIC failed to return the funds upon termination for the unprovided services. Failed to discharge in good faith their responsibilities to the complainant. Failed to ensure services were provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Failed to advise the complainant honestly and candidly. Failed to return all documents, files and property upon termination. Failed to enter into an initial consultation agreement. Failed to deposit all funds received by the Complainant into the RCIC's Client Account. Failed to register a business with the ICCRC and failed to register all their services with the College.
Ripudaman S. DhillonR409799TBATBACD.2015.346Refused to refund fees and required client to file additional applications; failed to file application on time| to account for fees| and to return client files.
Rupinder BatthR407671TBATBACD.2020.392Charged with 48 counts of counselling misrepresentation under section 127 (a) of IRPA| 1 count of misrepresentation under 127 (b) of IRPA and 5 counts of counselling misrepresentation under section 126 of IRPA.
Liza LucionR506401Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: March 11,June 17, September 18, November 12, 2024; February 4, 2025.CD.2022.683Failed to act with honesty and candour. Failed to ensure there were no conflicts of interest. The RCIC failed to maintain quality of service and to act with honesty and integrity. The RCIC failed to provide the Complainant with a retainer agreement. Failed to notify the complainant of their suspension. The RCIC failed to provide a receipt. The RCIC continued to provide services during their suspension. The RCIC failed to respond to the complainant's inquiries. Failed to provide a refund when requested. The RCIC submitted documents with the Complainant's signature without their knowledge, authorization or consent. The RCIC fraudulently prepared documents. The RCIC attempted to mislead the College by providing fraudulent documents.
Yi Song NamR509760Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 13, February 15, 2025CD.2019.261The RCIC collected fees from the Complainant in order to secure employment and provided false assurance of about the opportunities for employment. The RCIC failed to supervise the employee working with the Complainant. The payments made by the Complainant were deposited into the RCIC's personal and third party bank account rather than the client account. The RCIC knowingly abled their employee to illegally advise the Complainant to secure a fabricated employment letter. The RCIC failed to directly communicate with the Complainant. The RCIC failed to provide the Complainant with a refund upon request. The RCIC failed to provide the Complainant with documents, files and properties. The RCIC failed to be honest during the College's preliminary review process and did not provide a complete copy of the client file.
Ramandeep SinghR419423Hearing by Video ConferenceApril 15, 18, 22, 2024; June 10-11, 2024 12 PM (EST)CD.2020.137The RCIC and their staff misrepresented information to the Client regarding a job opportunity. Through the Client's working conditions, the Client was exploited. The RCIC threatened the Client's immigration status if they did not continue to work in the position. The RCIC relayed to the Client that they informed the employer they could terminate the Client, which they did. The RCIC and their staff, misrepresented information in the Client's resume and declaration of work history, by stating the Client was employed by a company where the Complainant had not worked. The RCIC ought to have known the information included as part of the Client's work history was false. The RCIC failed to provide the Client with a copy of the Retainer Agreement. The Retainer Agreement excluded services related to arranging jobs for the Client.
Ian Christopher Kemp-JacksonR413111Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 17, 2025CD.2022.673During the College's investigation, the RCIC made false and misleading responses to the College. The RCIC practiced as an immigration consultant while suspended, despite the College refusing the request to continuing practices while suspended.
Rajesh RandevR422455Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 31, 2023. Written Final Submissions due: July 2, 2024.CD.2017.307RCIC did not get express authorization or consent from his client, GR Group Employer for submitting the LMIA application to Service Canada. RCIC failed to produce a retainer agreement with the Complainant. RCIC failed to discharge his services with the Complainan and failed to be honest and candid when advising the Complainant. RCIC did not charge the Motel Employer any fees for the services and did not enter into any agreement. One of the RCIC's employee threatened the Employer, therefore he discontinued the RCIC's services. The RCIC failed to discharge his services in a good faith with the Employer. The RCIC did not account for the fee's paid by misappropriating the monies paid by the RTIC on behalf of the Complainant. RCIC failed to effectively communicate with the Complainant and other clients. RCIC did account funds held or previously dealt with. RCIC still communicated with the Complainant or their representatives against the consent of the College. RCIC attempted to obstruct and frustrate the College's investigatory process by making false statements to a College investigator. RCIC failed to produce invoices for the rest of a sum in funds paid. RCIC did not sign a retainer agreement with any clients for which the RCIC rendered invoices for. RCIC failed to register the RTIC as an agent with the College.
Maria Elena BurrillR408303TBATBACD.2015.341Advised the clients not to submit a Use of Representative Form; failed to properly supervise agents or staff; counselled clients in making misrepresentations and/or false statements as part of their immigration applications.
Liza LucionR506401Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: April 24, 2024. Final written submissions due November 15, 2024 CD.2023.039The RCIC misrepresented the Complainant claiming they are a lawyer. Misrepresented and misled the Complainant on their eligibility. The RCIC breached confidentiality. Failed to actively communicate with the complainant. The RCIC engaged in conduct unbecoming. The RCIC fraudulently misrepresented the Complainant's position and wage. The RCIC submitted multiple applications without the complaint's knowledge, authorization or consent. Failed to notify the Complainant about their license being suspended. The RCIC refused to refund the Complainant and failed to deliver the Complainant their documents, files and property. Failed to cooporate with the Complainant's successor to minimize expense and prejudice.
Laura Mariana SantosR507390Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: August 12, September 23, 2024CD.2019.003The RCIC submitted immigration applications with several errors resulting in the withdrawal of the application. Multiple applications were denied because of the RCIC failed to add all of the required credentials to the applications or by providing the incorrect information. The RCIC failed to effectively communicate with the complainant while being retained. The RCIC demanded the complainant to sign a new retainer agreement on the condition of whether the complainant receives their Province of Ontario nomination. The RCIC delayed preparing the complainant's work permit application resulting in the complainant being denied by the visa officer. In addition, the RCIC did not provide the required information for the complainant's employer number. The complainant followed the RCIC's instructions on various actions resulting in the loss of money and denied permanent residency application. The RCIC failed to provide the complainant with a final statement of account.
Laura Mariana SantosR507390Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: August 12, September 23, 2024CD.2023.594Without a valid work permit, the RCIC allowed the complainant to work for a company where the RCIC is a director. While being retained, the RCIC provided the complainant with incorrect immigration advice and counselled the complainant in lying to the CSBA officers. The RCIC told the complainant that they can re-enter Canada without a valid visa and counselled the complainant to lie about having adequate funds in their account by loaning them $3,000. The RCIC failed to communicate with the complainant in a timely manner. Lastly, the RCIC witheld the complainant's salary, using the sum of the salary to partially pay for the $3,000 loan.
Ray HuenR422879Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: November 30, 2023, April 2, May 21, 2024CD.2020.558The RCIC failed to submit a spousal sponsorship application for the Complainant's wife, despite being retained for over three years. The RCIC failed to return the original documents for sponsorship despite multiple requests by the Complainant. The RCIC failed to provide the Complainant with a retainer agreement despite multiple requests.
Leyla MammadovaR525194Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: April 24, 2024. Final written submissions due November 15, 2024 CD.2019.383The RCIC mislead the Complainant regarding the status of multiples services. The RCIC failed to respond to the Complainant's queries and correspondence promptly and truthfully. The RCIC failed to fulfill the terms of the retainer agreement. The RCIC mislead the ICCRC's investigator about the status of the Complainant's application. The RCIC failed to be fully cooperative during the College's investigation.
Hossein AmirahmadiR508577Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: July 4, August 1, 2024CD.2023.302The RCIC did not provide adequate advice regarding the requirements for work permit. The RCIC failed to communicate with the Complainant. The Complainant experienced an unpleasant encounter with the RCIC resulting in used profanities and threats. The RCIC was dishonest by concealing a refusal letter from the Complainant and falsifying the date of the work permit refusal. The RCIC additionally caused unnecesary expense to the Complainant. The RCIC failed to supervise an employee allowing misconduct to occur. The RCIC failed to provide a full refund to the Complainant and instead offered a partial refund. During the College's investigation, the RCIC failed to cooperate with the investigation by failing to provide a copy of the client file and other required information.
Leyla MammadovaR525194Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: April 24, 2024. Final written submissions due November 15, 2024 CD.2019.287The RCIC mislead the Complainant concerning the Spousal Sponsorship application. The RCIC produced a fraudulent letter to conceal the RCIC's failure to submit an application and failed to promptly advise the Complainant. The RCIC falsely informed the Complainant a visitor visa application was submitted. The RCIC failed to communicate with the Complainant in a prompt and truthful manner. The RCIC failed to fulfill the terms of the Retainer Agreement. The RCIC failed to cooperate during the College's investigation.
Izhar Ui Hassan ZaidiR421959Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: July 25, 2024CD.2023.979The RCIC failed to provide services outlined in the retainer agreement. The RCIC failed to inform the Complainant of the rejection from the IRCC and falsely represented that the application was outstanding when the rejection was already received. The RCIC failed to provide a refund despite not providing the services outlined in the retainer agreement.
Carl Mark BenitoR515855Hearing by VideoconferenceUrgent Motion for Interim Suspension: September 14| 2018; 12 PM (ET)CD.2018.317Counselled and assisted clients in misrepresenting their financial status for the purpose of obtaining SPs; employed a foreign national without a WP; failed to serve a client risking potential deportation.
David AllonR513335Written Adjudication Case Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024CD.2019.498Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unlicensed individuals acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant by luring them into using their services without explaining the total costs for the services and proceeded to withold assistance, guidance and explanation until the complainant signed a retainer agreement and paid the owed sum. RCIC permitted their unauthorized person to engage in unfair and innappropritate sales tactic. The funds provided by the complainant were misappropriated and the RCIC failed to return the funds upon termination for the unprovided services. Failed to discharge in good faith their responsibilities to the complainant. Failed to communicate with the complainant in a timely and effective way. Failed to advise the complainant honestly and candidly. Failed to return all documents, files and property upon termination. Failed to enter into an initial consultation agreement. Failed to register all their services with the College.
David WonR526384Motion Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference - Motion: November 25, 2024; Motion Final Submissions Due:December 13, 2024 CD.2023.613-1; CD.2023.692-2; CD.2023.693-1;CD.2023.796-2; CD.2023.840-2; CD.2023.847-2; CD.2023.961-2; CD.2024622071-1;CD.2024.708762-2; CD.2024.752315-1; CD.2024.752310-1; CD.2024.791389-01; CD.2024.791383-1The RCIC engaged in job selling; charging fees for recruitment or employment. These include fake employment positions, job descriptions and job offers. The RCIC failed to communicate with the complainants in a timely manner, failed to provide an invoice accounting for services provided, charged high fee, lacked evidence of any work performed and failed to honor the promises of a refund. The RCIC operated an elaborate scheme to defraud immigration officials with a goal of facilitating a client’simmigration through the Owner/Operator Program and/or the International Mobility Program. The scheme included incorporating a fraudulent Canadian company, representing to immigration officials that the RCIC was the Director of this company offering purported employment to a client, and demanding the client transfer funds to this company to make it appear it had the capacity to employ the client. Failure to rectify conduct issues following their undertaking to do so through the College’s Voluntary Resolution Program.
David AllonR513335Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024CD.2021.003Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unlicensed individuals acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant and failed to explain the costs of their services. The complainant signed a retainer agreement as a result of a pressure sale tactic. RCIC allowed the unatuhorized person to work unsupervised and engage in unfair and innapropriate sales tactic. The funds provided by the complainant were misappropriated and the RCIC failed to return funds and failed to provide any invoice of services. Failed to discharge their responsibilities in good faith. . Failed to ensure they delivered cost-effective and efficients services to the complainant. Failed toorovide quality of service and communicate with the complainant at all necessary stages of the application process. Failed to advise the complainant in an honest and candid mannor. Failed to return the complainant all of its documents, files and property, failed to account for all funds and provide a refund for monies not earned. Failed to deliver a statement of account. Failed to provide invoices for services rendered. Failed to provide an initial retainer agreement.
David AllonR513335Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024CD.2019.298Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unauthorized persons acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant by luring them into using their services without explaining the total costs for the services and proceeded to withold assistance, guidance and explanation until the complainant signed a retainer agreement and paid the owed sum. Failed to enter into an initial consultation agreement. The funds provided by the complainant were misappropriated and the RCIC failed to return the funds upon termination for the unprovided services. Failed to discharge in good faith their responsibilities to the complainant. Failed to return all documents, files and property upon termination. Misinformed the complainant when advising the complainant of the following steps to take in their immigration process. Failed to ensure services were provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Failed to communicate with the complainant in a timely and effective way. Failed to advise the complainant honestly and candidly. Failed to deposit all funds received by the Complainant into the RCIC's Client Account. Failed to register all their services with the College.
Laura Mariana SantosR507390Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: August 12, September 23, 2024CD.2022.446The RCIC failed to adequately communicate with the complainant throughout the retainer agreement. The RCIC failed to advise the complainant of the outcome of their application and manipulated the IRCC letter resulting in the refusal for spousal sponsorship. The RCIC failed to provide the complainant with a hard copy of the IRCC's refusal letter and to inform the complainant of the IRCC's refusal.
Ian Christopher Kemp-JacksonR413111Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 17, 2025CD.2020.277While retained the RCIC allowed an unlicensed employee to act as a representative and provide immigration advice to the Complainant, but failed to sign a retainer agreement. The RCIC permited the employee to extract a $200,000 payment from the Complainant to be used as an investment and to purchase Canadian passports. The employee threatened the Complainant for failing to comply with the payment. After the fact, the employee refused to provide the Complainant a refund. The RCIC allowed the employee to imply that they could get governmnet influence to get a positive decision. The RCIC mismanaged the Complainant's funds, using the funds for fees incurred by the RCIC's immigration firm. The RCIC failed to communicate with the Complainant and advise of the approved work permit. The RCIC failed to account for all funds and failed to provide a refund.
Izhar Ui Hassan ZaidiR421959Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: July 25, 2024CD.2022.293The RCIC failed to provide the Complainant services promised after receiving retainer funds and refused to proivde a refund. The RCIC did not issue receipts of the payments nor they did issue a statement of account. The RCIC employed a non-registered RCIC agent and assigned them to delegate tasks and maintaining the client file. The RCIC failed to ensure that the unlicensed agent provided the client files and property to the RCIC. The RCIC falsely provided information to the Complainant concerning lawful immigration options, instead, the RCIC proposed to charge $20,000 for unlawful job selling as their only option. The RCIC failed to enter into an Agent Agreement. The RCIC failed to deposit or hold funds paid by the Complainant in the client account. The RCIC did not provide client file materials other than the copies of the retainer agreement to the College.
Liza LucionR506401Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: March 11,June 17, September 18, November 12, 2024; February 4, 2025.CD.2022.558The RCIC was not honest and candid with the Complainant who was the RCIC Designate about the seriousness of the complaints against them. The RCIC failed to provide the Designate with a copy of the interim suspension order and misrepresented the terms of the suspension. Failed to inform the Designate when the suspension took effect and misrepresented the length of the suspension. Misrepresented the number of clients that would be transfered to the Designate. RCIC created an email account under the Designate without the consent or knowledge of the Designate. The RCIC affixed the Designate's signature without the authorization, knowledge or consent. RCIC failed to inform their clients of the suspension or obtained their consent to disclose personal information with the Designate. RCIC failed to provide the Designate with the clients' documents. The RCIC prepared letters under the Designate name without knowledge, consent or authorization by the Designate.
Anwar LewinR414247Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 14, 2025CD.2022.714The RCIC failed to register or notify the College of the Leamington office address. The RCIC failed to draft and provide the complainant a retained agreement outlining the services and costs. The RCIC failed to submit a Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds applications and falsely advised it was submitted. The RCIC failed to communicate with the complainant and stopped providing services. The RCIC failed to fulfill tasks and failed to provide a refund of the unearned funds. The RCIC failed to provide the College with information and required client documents.
Leyla MammadovaR525194Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: April 24, 2024. Final written submissions due November 15, 2024 CD.2020.573The RCIC failed to provide substantive services and mislead the Complainant on the status of the Complainant's application. The RCIC failed to respond to the Complainant's queries and correspondence promptly and truthfully. The RCIC failed to fulfill the terms of the Retainer Agreement. The RCIC failed to provide the Complainant with a statement of account, a refund and return the Complainant's documents. The RCIC failed to be fully cooperative during the College's investigation.
Ian Christopher Kemp-JacksonR413111Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 17, 2025.CD.2019.266While retained the RCIC failed to supervise unlicensed employees that were delegating this matter. The RCIC failed to prevent unlicensed employees from identifying themselves as authorized individuals to provide immigration services and advice. The RCIC nor their employee advised the Complainant that their study permit application had been rejected, instead, the RCIC falsely advised the Complainant of the status of the application. The RCIC submitted a new study permit application without the Complainant's authorization and knowledge. After being discharged by the Complainant the RCIC failed deliver all files, properties and documents and failed to give all necessary information for this matter. The RCIC failed to refund the Complainant $10,000. The RCIC failed to advise that their licence was suspended.
David AllonR513335Written Adjudication Case Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024CD.2020.148Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unlicensed individuals acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant and failed to explain the costs of their services. The complainant signed a retainer agreement as a result of a pressure sale tactic. RCIC allowed the unatuhorized person to work unsupervised and engage in unfair and innapropriate sales tactic. Failed to discharge their responsibilities in good faith. Failed to ensure they delivered cost-effective and efficients services to the complainant. Failed to provide quality of service and communicate with the complainant at all necessary stages of the application process. Failed to advise the complainant in an honest and candid mannor. Failed to return the complainant all of its documents, files and property, failed to account for all funds and provide a refund for monies not earned. Failed to deliver a statement of account. Failed to provide invoices for services rendered. Failed to provide an initial retainer agreement. Failed to register all their services with the College.
Rajesh RandevR422455Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 31, 2023. Written Final Submissions due: July 2, 2024.CD.2016.392Failed to provide services| a Retainer Agreement| or receipt for fees; failed to respond to client
Laura Mariana SantosR507390Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: August 12, September 23, 2024CD.2021.395The RCIC provided the complainant with an unsigned copy of the retainer agreement. The RCIC performed a service not referenced in the retainer agreement. The RCIC failed to supervise staff and made errors in regards to the expiry of express entry resulting in the EE profile expiring and lost the opportunity to be chosen to apply for permanent residency. The RCIC failed to advise the complainant that an employee working on their profile was no longer employed by the RCIC. The RCIC billed the complainant for work permit extension despite the services not being listed on the retainer agreement or on the RCIC's invoice. The RCIC failed to provide the complainant with invoices and a final account statement.
Leyla MammadovaR525194Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: April 24, 2024. Final written submissions due November 15, 2024 CD.2021.084The RCIC failed to provide all necessary documentation to support the Complainant's permanent residence application and was not truthful of the status of the permanent residence application. The RCIC mislead the Complainant about the submission of another application and instead provided the Complainant with a fraudulent letter. The RCIC failed to respond the Complainant's queries and correspondence promptly and truthfully. The RCIC failed to fulfill the terms of the Retainer Agreement. The RCIC failed to provide the Complainant with a statement of account, a refund and return the Complainant's documents. The RCIC failed to fully cooperate during the College's investigation.
Leyla MammadovaR525194Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: April 24, 2024. Final written submissions due November 15, 2024 CD.2021.297The RCIC failed to provide all documentation needed to support an appeal. Additionally, the RCIC falsely advised the Complainant and failed to inform the Complainant promptly of the truth. The RCIC failed to respond to the Complainant's queries and correspondence promptly and truthfully. The RCIC failed to fulfill the terms of the Retainer Agreement. The RCIC did not provide the Complainant with a statement of fact, a refund and the clients' documents. Lastly, the RCIC failed to fully cooperate during the College's investigation.
Liza LucionR506401Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: March 11,June 17, September 18, November 12, 2024; February 4, 2025.CD.2021.203The RCIC misrepresented themselves as a lawyer. The RCIC falsely advised the Complainant. The RCIC failed to provide a retainer agreement. The RCIC threatened the Complainant. The RCIC misrepresented information to obtain more money. The RCIC performed tasks without the consent, authorization and knowledge of the Complainant.
Liza LucionR506401Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: March 11,June 17, September 18, November 12, 2024; February 4, 2025.CD.2020.075The RCIC failed to act honestly and with integrity by falsely advising the Complainant of their qualification. RCIC failed to keep the Complainant informed of the steps taken in their file and their application status. RCIC failed to provide copies of any applications or other docuemnts submitted by the RCIC, as well as when requested. RCIC failed to provide the Complainant information needed to access their online profile. The RCIC misrepresented the complainant's education and employment history. The RCIC used a photocopy of the complainant's signature without the Complainants knowledge or consent. The RCIC failed to respond promptly or at all to the Complainants inquiries.
Izhar Ui Hassan ZaidiR421959Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: July 25, 2024CD.2022.330The RCIC engaged in conduct unbecoming and breached other obligations by failing to provide agreed services, execute or maintain and/or failed to enter a retainer agreement, charging $15,000USD for job selling, failing to provide a refund for services not provided and for fees charged. The RCIC failed to communicate truthfully about the status of the Complainant's file. Additionally, the RCIC failed to maintain a complete client file and failed to store the client records in a secure manner during the RCIC's practice and after the closure of their practice. The RCIC failed to supervise and ensure the non-licensed agent maintained the client file and transferred it after the office closure. The RCIC failed to enter into an Agent Agreement. Lastly, the $15,000USD charge was not maintained in the client file and was paid to unknown parties and never returned. The RCIC did not provide or maintain records of payments.
David AllonR513335Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: February 28, May 2, September 23, 2024CD.2019.197Failed to prevent, supervise and ensure that adequate measures were taken to prevent unauthorized persons acting as authorized persons to provide immigration consulting advice and engaging in consumer practices. The RCIC took advantage of the complainant by luring them into using their services without explaining the total costs for the services and proceeded to withold assistance, guidance and explanation until the complainant signed a retainer agreement and paid the owed sum. Failed to enter in an initial consulting agreement. Failed to provide a fully executed retainer agreement. The RCIC failed to provide to refund the complainant upon termination despite services not being provided. Failed to discharge in good faith their responsibilities to the complainant. The RCIC failed to ensure that the services provided were efficient and cost effective. Failed to advise the complainant in an honest and candid nature. Failed to return all documents, files and property to the complainant. Failed to provide invoices for services rendered. Failed to deposit all funds received into the Respondent's Client Account. Failed to register all their services with the College.
Ripudaman S. DhillonR409799TBATBACD.2016.058Guaranteed client a work permit and failed to notify client he would have to pass a trade program examination; failed to provide a Retainer Agreement.
Ian Christopher Kemp-JacksonR413111Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: January 17, 2025.CD.2019.568While retained the RCIC failed to supervise, ensure and prevent an unlicensed employee from identifying themselves as an authorized individuals to provide immigration services and advice. The RCIC's continued to provide services while licence was suspended and failed to communicate with the Complainant about the status of their license. During investigations, the RCIC provided false information to the College in regard to the working status of the employee. The RCIC failed to sign the retainer agreement and allowed the employee to sign the retainer agreement.
Leyla MammadovaR525194Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: April 24, 2024. Final written submissions due November 15, 2024 CD.2019.424The RCIC failed to provide substantive services and mislead the Complainant on the status of the Complainant's application. The RCIC failed to respond to the Complainant's queries and correspondence promptly and truthfully. The RCIC failed to fulfill the terms of the Retainer Agreement. The RCIC failed to be fully cooperative during the College's investigation.
Laura Mariana SantosR507390Written AdjudicationCase Management Conference: August 12, September 23, 2024CD.2023.260The RCIC failed to properly supervise the staff resulting in employee failing to provide a submission receipt, confirmation of submisson or an application number to the complainant after confirming that their applications were submitted. The RCIC failed to communicate with complainant in a reasonable timeframe. After multiple inquiries within the following months, the RCIC provided the complainant with its application numbers and inaccuretaly stated that the application process was in order and progressing. The RCIC failed to advise the complainant in a timely manner of the IRCC decision. Lastly, the RCIC failed to provide the complainant with a final statement of account.