BURLINGTON, Ontario, March 1, 2022
As members of the Fraud Prevention Forum, the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (the College) joins co-chairs Competition Bureau, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre in their efforts to educate the public on the impacts of fraud and how to prevent it. The College has several tools available for the public to help mitigate immigration fraud and protect prospective immigrants to Canada.
The College encourages those who are considering hiring an immigration consultant, to always verify the consultant is licensed with them, by using the Public Register available on our website or on the College’s mobile app. The mobile app is available for download in the App Store or Google Play by searching “CICC CCIC”.
“One of the main goals of our Fraud Prevention campaign in March is to educate the public on the dangers of using unauthorized practitioners to assist with their immigration applications,” said Stan Belevici, RCIC, Chair of the Board of Directors. “This is why we have engaged an influencer, and launched a global digital media ad campaign, so that our message can reach those outside of Canada who may not otherwise know what the College is or does.”
The College also has a dedicated fraud prevention page on their website, under “Protecting the Public,” where the public can access educational resources such as a Consumer’s Guide and Top Tips to prevent immigration fraud.
“We have developed a great partnership with the High Commission of Canada in India and continue to expand our outreach with other foreign missions. This has resulted in increased awareness of the College at a ground level,” said John Murray, President & CEO of the College. “It can be a challenge to get our message to communities in foreign jurisdictions, so we are pleased to have this relationship with the High Commission. It is important that we reach audiences that really need to hear our message so that they can take steps to protect themselves against fraudulent actors.”
Please join the fight against immigration fraud by visiting the College’s website www.college-ic.ca to learn more, and by following our social media accounts, sharing our fraud prevention tips, and using the hashtags below.
About the College
The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants is the authority mandated by the Government of Canada to regulate the practice of Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) and Regulated International Student Immigration Advisors (RISIAs). Its role, authority and powers are established in the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants Act (Canada). The College sets and enforces the licensing, education and ethical standards of the profession in the public interest.
Any immigration consultant who provides Canadian immigration and citizenship services, whether domestically or abroad, must be licensed by the College.
Learn more at www.college-ic.ca.
Press Contact
Christopher May
Director, Public Affairs and Communications
College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants
T: 1-877-836-7543