News & Insights


News and Insights

This page contains news and information from the College and from various sources.

Registering Agents


Licensees must register agents who meet criteria established by the Agents Regulation, the By-laws, and the Code of Professional Conduct

The new College Portal and Public Register only display agents who were successfully registered by licensees as per current requirements, which include thorough review and required fee payments.  

Who is an Agent? 
An agent, by definition, is a person or company operating outside of Canada.  
Any services provided by individuals or companies within Canada should be done by contracted staff as they are not considered agents.   
Licensees must pay a registration fee of $500 for each new agent, in addition to an annual fee of $250 for each registered agent to maintain their status.  
Inactive Agents 
Under the new regulation, licensees were required to register Agents by November 23, 2021. Any agent not registered by that date is no longer eligible to act as an agent and will not be visible on the Public Register. 

Registering an Agent 
To  register an individual as an agent, licensees must submit an Agent Registration Application through the Agents section under the Professional Information tab of the College Portal. The individual will be added to the Public Register if all requirements in the Agents Regulation and the Code of Professional Conduct are met. 

You may update your active agent(s) information on the Current Agents section on the College Portal.

Licensees are responsible for the actions of their agent. Licensees must enter into service agreements with agents who meet all registration requirements and ensure they do not select an unauthorized practitioner (UAP).  

A UAP is anyone who illegally provides Canadian immigration advice for a fee or other consideration without being licensed by the College, a Canadian law society, or the Chambre des notaires du Québec. UAPs are not listed on the Public Register.