
Understanding the Profession


Tips for Professional Conduct: Professional Liability Insurance

This month’s installment of Tips for Professional Conduct highlights the importance of maintaining professional liability insurance

As a condition of licensing, all RCICs must enrol annually in the College’s Professional Liability Insurance program (PLI group plan). Even if an RCIC is insured through an employer or other group, they are still required to register for the PLI group plan.

During their annual renewal process, RISIAs must also provide proof of current professional liability insurance, issued to their current employer by a recognized insurance broker. 

  • RCICs must always maintain professional liability insurance, even when they are on an approved Leave of Absence.
  • When changing employers or looking to restore their licence to an active status, RISIAs must provide a current certificate of professional liability insurance, issued to their new employer by a recognized insurance broker.
  • Licensees should familiarize themselves with the Professional Liability Insurance Regulation (Insurance Regulation).
  • Licensees can learn about a recent decision involving failure to maintain professional liability insurance in this month’s Tribunal Actions.
Failing to comply with professional obligations can result in fines, suspension, and revocation of licence. 

Individuals with a suspended or a revoked licence are not permitted to practise or use the professional designation RCIC or RISIA for any purpose. 

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) are informed of individuals with suspended and revoked licences. The Public Register will also reflect the licence status.

RCICs and RISIAs must abide by the Code of Professional Conduct, which sets out the required standards of professional conduct and competence.