News & Insights


News and Insights

This page contains news and information from the College and from various sources.

Add a Designate via the College Portal


The Planned or Unplanned Absence Regulation requires licensees to create and maintain a contingency plan that outlines what will happen with their practice in the event of a planned or unplanned absence.

This includes selecting a Designate to help maintain continuity of service for a licensee’s clients.

A Designate can either be:

• An Authorized Representative, which is an individual who can offer immigration/citizenship advice and/or service for a fee or other consideration. An Authorized Representative includes a member in good standing with a Canadian provincial or territorial law society (including paralegals within their authorized scope of practice), the Chambre des notaires du Québec or an RCIC, or
• A Responsible Person, which is an individual over the age of majority who has immediate access to the jurisdiction where the licensee’s office is located.

To add a Designate on the College Portal:
1. Log in to the Portal.
2. Click on Professional Information in the menu.
3. Select the Authorized Representative or Responsible Person section on the left side of the page.
4. In this section, you may add an expiry date if you are no longer using that Designate. To update the existing Designate’s information, you must first end the current record by adding an expiry date, then resubmit the Designate application using the Designate Authorized Representative or Responsible Person button.

For questions regarding the College Portal, please email