Here are the recent Tribunal Actions by the College. Visit our Disciplinary Proceedings and Tribunal page to view the full decisions.
• Mohammad Azizi, of EXPRESSIMMIGRATE INC., in Vancouver, British Columbia, had their licence suspended following the findings of professional misconduct by the Discipline Committee. At the time of the misconduct, the RCIC was employed by, and the authorized representative for, all immigration consulting clients of Met West Holdings Inc (Met West). The committee found the RCIC failed to oversee the client’s account, creating the circumstances for their employer to charge exorbitant fees in connection with an application for a work permit under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BCPNP) without the RCIC’s knowledge. The RCIC voluntarily admitted to violating the 2012 Code of Professional Ethics, and both the 2012 Client Account and the Client File Management Regulations, by entering into the Agreed Statement of Facts and Joint Submission on Penalty with the College. The RCIC was ordered to take several Practice Management Education courses, pay a fine of CAN$3,000 and pay costs to the College in the amount of CAN$2,000.
• Harpreet Saini, of Avalon Immigration Inc., in Brampton, Ontario, and CANHELP MIGRATION EXPERTS INC., in Edmonton, Alberta, filed a motion seeking a stay of the discipline proceeding on the basis of inordinate delay on the part of the College. The motion was dismissed by the Discipline Committee. The committee found the RCIC’s motion was introduced with no evidence to support that hearing fairness had been compromised by an inordinate delay and that the College did not cause any compromise to the fairness of a potential hearing.
• Amir Shuval and Sigal Barak, of Great North Immigration Inc., in Markham, Ontario, had their licences suspended following the findings of professional misconduct by the Discipline Committee. At the time of the misconduct, the RCICs were in a contractual and business relationship with Memo Global Marketing and Distribution (MGMD) Ltd., (MemoGlobal) to provide eligibility assessments, although they did not enter into an initial consultation agreement nor a retainer agreement with MemoGlobal. The RCICs voluntarily admitted to violating the 2012 and 2016 Code of Professional Ethics, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and both the 2016 Retainer Agreement Regulation and the Business and Business Name Regulation by entering into the Agreed Statement of Facts and Joint Submission on Penalty with the College. The RCICs were ordered to take several Practice Management Education courses, and upon completion of their suspensions, they shall be subject to a practice audit conducted by the College’s RCIC Advisor to ensure compliance with the College’s By-laws, Regulations and their undertaking with the College. The RCICs must provide restitution to all complainants in the total amount of US$11,576.96, pay a fine of CAN$10,000 and pay costs to the College in the amount of CAN$10,000.